Volunteer Programs

SSPD volunteer program participants have contributed more than 6,355 volunteer hours since the program’s inception in November of 2011. Volunteers donate their time for administrative support to working within our Citizens on Patrol program.

Citizens On Patrol (COP)

This popular program allows Sandy Springs citizens the opportunity to assist Sandy Springs Police in a variety of ways. COPs provide “eyes and ears” to the department, as well as provide assistance in traffic-related incidents, conducting house checks on residences when the owners are out of town, and supporting our SSPD team at special events. COPs are graduates of the 12-week Citizens Police Academy and 12-week Citizens on Patrol training program. The Volunteer Coordinator for the COP unit is Doug Blount, dblount@sandyspringsga.gov phone: 770.551.6927

College Internship Program

Students work alongside officers gaining a wide exposure to the various aspects of law enforcement.

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VIPS (Volunteers in Police Service)

For citizens who have completed the CPA (Citizens Police Academy) course and want to continue their involvement as volunteers for the SSPD community outreach initiative, but do not wish to go on patrol, the VIPS may be an ideal alternative.

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Sandy Springs Traffic Response Vehicle

Vehicle manned by volunteers and part-time police officers to assist motorists and respond to inclement weather.

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